let the little children come

the evidence

This morning at Adoration I looked down to drop the kneeler and encountered a lone little cheerio. I picked it up and popped it in my back pocket to throw away later, but first I rolled it around in my hand for a moment and smiled.

It reminded me of my grandson, and his sweet ability to snuggle with me and be content to sit in my lap endlessly, wanting nothing more than to be held and reveling in that comfort and then in a split second want to squirm away to explore. I’ve seen first hand how a fistful of cheerios or goldfish instantly calms the explorer.

That rogue cheerio tells me that a little one was here at Adoration, and maybe, after getting a little restless, Mom or Dad, or maybe Grandma, offered some cheerios in exchange for a little more quiet time. It probably worked for a little while, too. I’m sure they cleaned up after themselves even though this last rogue cheerio escaped. Perhaps I was meant to find it and pray for the family that sat in that pew before me.

So pray I did, and not just for this family, but for all the families with young children who may struggle but make the effort to go to church. Who sometimes feel judged or unwelcomed and keep coming back. Next time you feel an unkind look in your direction, remember there’s a grandma somewhere in Adoration, remembering you in prayer. Cheerios optional.

3 Things to Start Your Day

an aptly named gratitude journal
  1. Gratitude — express gratitude to God for a quiet lazy morning with no rush or the mad chaos that rules in some seasons of our lives.
  2. Prayer — it can be simple or structured, an earnest “Jesus, I trust in you” or a Rosary. Make a connection with the Lord.
  3. Action — offer up your day’s sufferings or joys. We often think of offering up our pain, but let’s also offer up the good in our lives, too!

Have a great day!

Our Lady of Loreto Jubilee Celebrated in Military Chapels

Redstone Arsenal Bicentennial Chapel

This week I went on a brief pilgrimage with my daughter to the Redstone Arsenal Bicentennial Chapel in Huntsville, Alabama. The Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Military Community worships in this lovely chapel that serves the faithful of Redstone Arsenal.

Pope Francis has declared this year a special Jubilee for Our Lady of Loreto. This Jubilee celebration carries with it an indulgence for those who visit the Shrine of Loreto in Italy.

The story of this miraculous shrine, the House of Mary in Nazareth where the Angel Gabriel appeared to her has a fascinating story. The house was transported from Nazareth to Loreto, Italy by Angels to protect it from destruction in the 13th century.

This “flight” to save the pilgrimage site was a natural connection for Our Lady of Loreto’s patronage of aviators. Pilots in World War I turned to the Blessed Mother to protect them, and on March 24, 1920, Pope Benedict XV made the declaration official. This has now carried over beyond airmen, to include all air travellers. I appreciate this special patronage, as I travel frequently.

Pope Francis grants Our Lady of Loreto indulgence to all military chapels for this Jubilee year! Click To Tweet

To honor this centennial of the patronage of Our Lady of Loreto, in conjunction with Pope Francis’ call for holiness in this anniversary year, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services, has requested that the indulgence be extended to all military chapels in the world since all branches of the military fly. How cool is that?

And how cool that my beloved veteran and active duty family members have this protection; the pilgrimage to this lovely chapel in the NASA/Redstone community was particularly meaningful.

Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us!

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