7 Quick Takes Friday!

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary. Here ya go, in no particular order, the highlights (that’s relative) of my week.


It’s Friday. I was never one for the whole TGIF thing, even though I admit to having been a disco bunny and dancing my way through that era. Is this a place for these kinds of confessions? I admit there might be a Village People LP or two in my closet. Love & Kisses was probably my favorite group. I won’t subject you to the video here, but if you’re curious, here’s one. Ha. I know you’re gonna look. Anyway, I am very thankful that it’s Friday, even with all the work ahead of me today.


Did I tell you I don’t have a bedroom? Yeah. No walls. No ceiling. Waiting on some insulation. Not. Fun.


Check this out! I got to play over at Patheos.com! I’ve got a review of X-Men: First Class over there. Because you have no idea how absolutely geeky I am when it comes to these stories 🙂


Had a thoroughly delightful Girls Night Out with some wonderful women who happen to be very well-known in Catholic media but will remain nameless. Although I’d like to promote them because I love what they do, it wasn’t about that. It was personal, and fun, and absolutely necessary for us.  I forget how essential it is to maintain the REAL in these real-life relationships. I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of stress lately, and it was a pleasure to blow off some steam.


Did something scary. Applied for graduate school. Again. Only this time, for real. That first time was just…well…a giant implosion of chickening out (and in retrospect–not really something I wanted). Pushing the submit button this time felt more natural. Pray for me on that — and I’m sure, more news to follow in that area.


I have a lot of laundry to do. Am I allowed to complain about it here? Yes. It’s my blog, and I think you’ve come to expect the occasional laundry vent. I hate it. I blame Eve.


And finally, Ta-Dah! The CNMC 2011 registration is open! This year promises to have some really cool people presenting, a new feature on the day before for peeps serious about jumping into Catholic media, and an expanded spiritual component for those of you less interested in the technical side but wanting some guidance and spiritual refreshment. And a party. We have to have a party — so everyone’s invited to hang out Saturday night and continue the celebration after the conference.


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