I often go back and forth on the idea of making New Year’s resolutions. At this point in the game, weeks after the New Year, I’ve usually broken them.
Nevertheless, I think it’s a good idea to make an examination of my habits and goals, and make an effort to grow, to be better in those areas of my life where a little (or a lot!) of improvement would make me a better person.
The new year is traditionally a good place to start, but every day is a new day.
What area of your life would benefit from change? Name it out loud or write it down.
Instead of wishing for a dramatic outcome, frame it as an actionable plan.
Instead of wishing to eat a healthier diet, resolve to eliminate carbonated soft drinks.
Instead of hoping for a closer relationship with your parents, resolve to call once a week.
Instead of wishing your garage would be cleaned up, go out and throw away one item.
Want to write that novel that’s been simmering in your imagination for so many years? Write a sentence. Then another. And then another.
Begin. And then, begin again.
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