a little mini bucket list [updated]

Just some things I’d like to do someday:

[because Leonie will fly to the States and kick my butt, I will visit DownUnder before I start my bucket list]

1. run  a marathon   1/2 marathon   5K  around the block

2. take a transatlantic cruise

3. visit Cuba

4. eat some shrimp scampi before I die (I fear one will follow the other)

5. go white water rafting

6. see the Grand Canyon in person, not from a plane

7. snorkel at the Christ statue in Pennekamp Park

8. visit the United Kingdom

9. drive a race car

10. go on the Camino pilgrimage

imagesCAQ9RBTVThis is something I really want to do someday. I’m not entirely sure I’d be up for the whole route, though. If I had “world enough and time” I’d amble my way through it, but the reality is I’d probably have to pick the shortest route and do it that way. Still, it’s something that has fascinated me for years and would be a pretty cool accomplishment. I wonder if I have the nerve to do it alone, or if it’s something that I’d like to share with someone. Hmmm.

6 Replies to “a little mini bucket list [updated]”

  1. I will go on the Camino with you! I am dying to go! Dy.ing. Let’s start saving our pennies for it. My husband insists he can’t both pay for it AND take the time off work to go on it.

  2. Well that makes two three of us. This is something I have been wanting to do for years and really thought I was doing it alone because everytime I spoke about this no one ever said they were interested. Ever since I read ‘El Camino’, I just had to do this. So, count me in.

  3. down under is not on that list WHY? and make sure you have a tiramisu on the way , the grand duke of Tuscany would be pleased!

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