a little stroll, a little moonlight, maybe a little kiss

bridgeI took this picture with an iPhone 4s last year, on Valentine’s Day at nighttime. My husband was on a business trip and he surprised me with a call at lunch wondering if I could get to the airport for an early evening flight that would put me in Jacksonville for a romantic late dinner.

Of course, I said yes.

I took thisΒ on our stroll. Blue happens to be our favorite color.

What’s yours?

31 Replies to “a little stroll, a little moonlight, maybe a little kiss”

  1. I love that bridge at night
    We live in Vero Beach now, but used to drive back and forth from Massachusetts once a year for vacations for many, many years. It always seemed we passed through Jacksonville around 10pm and the bridge was a favorite sight around that time!

  2. I like the photo, I like the colour blue … especially I like the imagery of the romantic kiss by bluelight β€” what’s not to like? πŸ™‚

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