a lull in the insanity

So here I am lying on the sofa in a very lived-in living room  [read that there are little piles of unwrapped gifts scattered about in territorial piles, not to mention scraps of wrapping paper that we missed] drinking some hot tea and enjoying the scent of a spiced apple candle.  The cuckoo clock is ticking away in the foyer, lulling me to sleep.

The lights are off, but there’s plenty of sunshine coming through the shades — enough to illuminate the room but not so bright that it will cut off the nap I’m about to have.  I love these lazy afternoons in winter, especially during the Christmas season when there are only two speeds: intense and laid back.

In fact, I’m loving me some laid back right now.

Tomorrow will come soon enough with a crazy road trip, but for now I’ll just let that clock tick away with its soothing heartbeat… I can feel the pull from Morpheus….

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