a new 7 quick takes!

Oh! I’m back!

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


I had a grand total of 24 house guests over the span of the summer. In the middle of construction on the house. While I was redesigning a curriculum at work. I’m just now getting to the laundry.


Anybody wanna visit? I have clean towels now.


Classes started this week in the midst of a very exciting and very stressful transition to the semester system. I’m pleased. And really tired.


I just started a new novel. Let me clarify. I’m writing it.


I have discovered the greatest candy in the universe. Yes. A little gift from one of my delightful guests this summer: Texas Chewie Pecan Praline


John and I are celebrating 26 years of marriage this week. It’s technically next week, but we have some sentimental reasons for celebrating on Labor Day.


Which is why I’m giving myself permission to stop cleaning right now and go out to dinner with him. Clean end tables are overrated. I know this because I have this little reminder in my kitchen.



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