an unexpected pilgrimage

I spent the day in Augusta with Christy. We went on an errand that required we hang around for a few hours, patiently waiting to pick up an item we took for repair, so naturally, we went exploring. We didn’t get very far before we found the Sacred Heart Cultural Center, a de-sanctified Catholic church in a pretty sketchy part of town. We had to investigate. These pictures don’t do it any justice — the beauty of the artwork…the masonry…everything…was breath-taking. How tragic that this church was actually abandoned and set to be torn down, and how lucky that it was saved by a benefactor.

The pilgrimage continued down the street at the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, which you’ll see here, too. We were just going to sit in a Starbucks. Instead, we given a lovely gift.

Note you’ll see stained glass that covers the Joyful Mysteries (and a rosary set in stepping stones in a garden).

5 Replies to “an unexpected pilgrimage”

  1. Amazing place with so much beauty including the photographer welcome back, now my worry is gone, happy christmas lovelies!.

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