went to a new church last night

Leaving soon for a conference in Orlando. I’ll be in a technical blackout for several days, except for the human leash: my cellphone. My early departure today precipitated a search for a local church that had a “late-ish” vigil, and we found one that is actually only a couple of miles further than what we already travel, and about the same time-wise.

It’s always interesting to attend mass at a different church. Everything is sooooo different. And, everything is soooo the same.

Except this one has stained glass. And a less creepy risen Christ (at least there is also a somewhat prominent crucifix.)

I stink with the technology

The one thing I can say about being an adult learner and warding off Alzheimer’s is that I am going to figure out something, even if it is the hard way. So, for your viewing pleasure, see a funny video about Fonts below. Vic pointed it out to me, and then I spent the better part of the morning trying to get it posted for Danny. Alas, I couldn’t get it to post directly to his page, but I figured out I could post it to the main blog. The result is a double post. I guess I could delete the one on the main blog, but frankly, I’m done with code, even if it is baby stuff.

So, enjoy the video. I think it’s very clever.

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