Are you kidding?

note my useless laptop under the candle
note my useless laptop under the candle

We lost power. Again. It’s been a strange weekend. It turns out a creepy little storm cropped up in the afternoon and scared the peepers  out of us. It was sudden and dramatic, as the best storms are. John and I sat outside to watch the rain when lightning hit what seemed like next door. As we stood up to go inside, lightning hit the transformer in our yard. Talk about scaring the poop out of us! No sooner had we recovered when it hit the tansformer again, totally knocking out our power.

The good boys from the power company finally made it out here to replace the transformer. Life is infinitely better when there’s A/C.

I blame it on the CNMC

I twittered earlier today that I was suffering from multiple personalities disorder. The fact that I said twittering has probably already confused some people who are not connected to the idea of microblogging is irrelevant! HA!

OK, mom and pop, I’m talking about a bunch of different ways people connect–from blogging, which is what I’m doing here, to microblogging, think of Big Brother in reverse– a webite where I post a sentence that tells people what I am doing, or thinking, or planning to do.

As a resource, it’s pretty interesting and useful. Socially, it’s like passing a note in class–but for work, and some of the creative stuff I like to do, it’s pretty useful. For example, once I post this, I’ll let my friends in other networks know that I did, and hopefully, they’ll come to this blog and read my stuff, maybe leave  comment or two, which will then take me to their sites so I can see what they are doing. Cool, huh?


and there’s more psychosis to come.

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