back at last!

smeaog precious

I’ve missed my laptop.

I know, such a pathetic thing to say, but there you have it.

I suppose there’s some redeeming thing to say about not being materialistic — you know, the importance of detachment and all that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s true: the world got on just fine without my laptop distracting me. I wish I could have said that I went totally offline, but I had my phone and an iPad. And this antique HP pc that weighs about 20 pounds and works just fine. I was just spoiled by my light little macbook.

I missed changing the color of fonts. I missed the ease of posting here with access to my pictures. I missed the keypad for my biggish hands (no, I don’t have man -hands, thankyouverymuch).

This electronic object is more than a little toy for posting on Twitter and Facebook, though it does get a lot of action that way. It’s also a tool for communication and for work. If nothing else, this month long absence showed me how much I rely on it to do a multitude of things. I learned the limits of the other, smaller devices, but also discovered that they are, in some respects, more useful and practical than the big daddy for some things.

I think that I’ve picked up some new, hopefully better, habits by not having a laptop open all the time.

In the meantime, I’m going to love him, and squeeze him, and kiss him, and call him George.


2 Replies to “back at last!”

  1. I think I understand, at least to some degree, what your talking about in missing your laptop. Like you, I also have a phone to “fall back on”, but it is NOT THE SAME. There are things that just can’t easily be done from a phone (even a smart one) And, yet, like you say there are definite advantages – like the small size and having said small device (pretty much) right at your fingertips. Definitely helpful to me when I’m having to traipse around w/ hubby everywhere.

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