

I’m a work in progress.

At this point in my life I realize that I have more years under my belt than what I have left to live. Let’s hope there’s a little wisdom behind some of the things I’ve seen and done, right? If nothing else, I won’t be repeating some of my more boneheaded mistakes…though there is the danger that I will find some new ways to be a goober.

Sobering? Depressing?

No. It’s actually kind of inspiring.

It’s one of those things that comes to me in moments of clarity — I’m not yet the person I can be — not because I feel like some grand failure, but because I am full of potential.

I ask myself daily, what are you going to be when you grow up?

I have the experience to see how all of the events in my life have built upon each other. It makes me hopeful for a future that will bring these experiences together for something amazing and unexpected. Even if I’m the only one to see it.

But I doubt that — that I’m the only one to see it. I feel God’s hand in my life, so the unknown is an adventure, not a source of fear.

I just need to remember to breathe.


details from a lithograph I owned many years ago, The Alphabet Suite, by Erté.

11 Replies to “Become”

  1. Thought provoking post illustrated by a beautiful letter B….thanks for this. Not exactly a tonic – that suggests something bracing and in your face – more like a gentle arm around the shoulder….

  2. This is a great post and I love your attitude. I am still wondering what I want to be when I grow up and so far I keep on changing careers because of it. At least writing is the one constant thing in my life. Thank you so much for your visit.

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