bowl games, bowl cuts, and the return of the mundane

January 2nd is an awkward day. It doesn’t have the excitement of the 1st, nor does it usually herald an immediate return to work or school. Wikipedia doesn’t even include anything of interest in its long list of boring people born on this day.  Thus, it just kind of sits there in annoyance. I mean, it missed being the big cheese by a mere day. If I was going to be a day in January, I’d rather be the 11th, or maybe the 16th, but definitely not the 2nd.

The boys took off extra early and got some nice spiffy haircuts. Jonathan looks like he’s 12 again since he also shaved. He walked past me twice before I noticed his angelic face. Now, if he would just wear shoes.

Vic is on her way back to Post, and Christaar has not moved from in front of the TV, watching football game after football game.

And me?

I need a Farmville intervention. No, really. It’s an evil insidious game and I cannot stop!!!!!

Tomorrow I’ll think about cleaning the house and doing something, anything, about my desk. Tomorrow. Today I’m going to plant some cranberries, maybe brush a clumsy reindeer or two, and cuddle up with my honey with some romantic comedy.

2 Replies to “bowl games, bowl cuts, and the return of the mundane”

  1. FARMVILLE!! I took time to figure out how to completely block all of that so it no longer hits my Facebook. It drove me bonkers. Farmville?!?! Really?

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