Courageous Saints: Saint Cecilia

“Christ alone can save from death, and deliver the guilty from Eternal Fire”Today is the feast of Saint Cecilia, patron of musicians and an early church martyr. When I think of her, I hear my daughter’s beautiful singing voice: Saint Cecilia was her Confirmation Saint.

Saint Cecilia’s story is about as badass as you get — her martyrdom was gruesome and cruel — as all of those stories go. Born into aristocracy in the 2nd century, Cecilia was forced into marriage even though she had devoted her life to God. Her husband was moved by her conviction — Cecilia sang the psalms at her wedding party, not wanting to participate in the revelry — and he respected her vow of virginity. In fact, because of her example he soon converted and was baptized, along with his brother.

When the men were discovered burying Christian martyrs, they, too, were executed. Cecilia secretly buried them, and she was eventually found out to be a Christian and ordered to be suffocated to death. The attempt failed, and another soldier was sent to behead her. Three blows to her head and neck left her near death, but she survived that assault for three days until she finally succumbed from the wounds.

In the early 1500s her tomb was opened to reveal her incorrupt body. I always think that is startling!


a conversation about saints and stuff

I had the pleasure of chatting with Jared Dees from Ave Maria Press today. I got to share a little bit about myself and my family, and talk about some of my favorite Saints and courageous women featured in My Badass Book of Saints.

It was great fun — especially getting to talk with Jared face-to-face. I’m having so much fun with this project — I just wanted to tell some stories. I did, but more than that, I’m getting to meet some wonderful people. I’m blessed!

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