Paul Newman died…

That makes me sad.

I always felt like the odd woman out when everyone was gushing over Robert Redford and I liked Paul Newman.

Here they are back in the day. You decide, but I’m sticking by Newman.

Robert Redford and Paul Newman.
Robert Redford and Paul Newman.

hurricanes Hannah, Ike, Josephine…and SARAH

The blogs are gonna be fun today.

In other news, Jeffrey-Jeffrey-Jeffrey, who is a professional writer and journalist extra-ordinaire (since he does the sports thing and therefore is the best in hyperbole) called me out on my own blog for not posting about Jerry Reed’s death. Um, who appointed you editor, dude? Bahaha, nevertheless, he’s right. Shall I make excuses for the oversight? Nah, who wants to read a bunch of lies.

This is for you, Jeff:

Beijing Olympics 2008

Beautiful or poisonous? They’re getting a lot of bad press about the air pollution, and makes me want to stop and make a political statement about the absurdity of the US getting flack about the environment (Drill. Now. Dammit. How ironic that Paris Hilton has the solution), but they sure do know how to put on a show. Even the the EPCOT-looking ball from the light-show was beautiful. And frankly, it’s unfair to say that anything could beat the weirdness of the Greek opening ceremony, but really, the weird suspended pregnant chick vs. this dancing beauty:

The EPCOT ball was a knock-off, but still lovely:

and of course, fireworks. It’s China — could they screw it up? No way:

Good luck to all the athletes.

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