I love to squat on YouTube

I especially love it when it is actually work. I created a fantastic presentation for class today, and ended with this music video of Queen Latifah. Okay, so a little weird, but it worked beautifully with the lesson about poetry, and Emily Dickinson’s quote,

“If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.”

If you watch the video, you’ll see how Al Green’s head is so affected by his emotion that he can’t contain himself. Anyway, I guess you had to be there…

We’re Losers

Instead of going to the fireworks, we watched an Alfred Hitchcock marathon.

I ask you, is there anything more cheesy than The Birds, and more brilliant than Vertigo and Rear Window?

We also caught part of the Jaws marathon, but let me tell you that it was painful to watch; the special effects were so awful, awful! Really, I can’t think of one movie that redeems the 70’s in special effects. Even Lucas went back and redid Star Wars.

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