thoughts on a thursday

I’m grateful for my family — near and far, and far away.


Otis, our dog, snores. It’s kind of endearing.


The moon is beautiful tonight.


I’m going through edits on my manuscript and it’s both tedious and enlightening.


Some days were made for lazy.

Happy Festivus, Friends!

This made-up holiday, Festivus, made its way into my heart at the height of my hysteria to get everything right at Christmas. Such pressure.

Such foolishness.

The only thing I need to get right about Christmas is the miracle of Christ’s birth. Everything else is gravy, or tinsel. Or both.

Festivus, in its own weird way, reminds me to chill out — Christmas is almost here, and it’s not about the tree, or the gifts, or the madness.

Well. A little madness. Family madness, feats of strength, good food. And expressions of gratitude mixed in with the airing of grievances.


patience and the pier

setting posts

I haven’t really acknowledged our move to the Gulf coast here yet,  although I’ve certainly regaled everyone in social media with picture after picture. What can I say — we have our own little corner of paradise here on earth. I could post a sunrise picture every morning and never repeat the beautiful palate of colors and light and everything. Worry not, I get that I’m behaving like the first-time parent with the gazillion pictures.

With that said, let me show you some more pictures. And a video.

Bahaha. Whatever. You clicked to come here 🙂

Our lovely little cottage went up in no time, but we’ve had to wait .. and wait… and wait some more, increasingly impatient, for the fishing pier to be built. the guys finally got it going this week, and I’ve never seen anything like it. That’s the video. So, enjoy. I think it’s pretty cool.


And pretty.

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