Yeah, I swiped it from you, Ana. Who has the original?
my laptop told me to be good to myself
I can’t keep up with my own thoughts, let alone read through all the apps, emails, and subscriptions I have that tend to accumulate over days. My approach has been simple: if I catch something popping up in real time, I’m happy to enjoy it, and pass it along in a non-intrusive way. By non-intrusive I mean I’m not gonna spam anybody. You came here, after all.
So this sweet little Facebook app, Message from God, usually has a nice gem. I didn’t join it because of all the info sharing, but I do catch it when it pops up in the news feed, so I thought I’d pass along today’s wisdom to you, gentle reader, cuz you know, I want you to be gentle with yourself.
On this day, God wants you to know… that it’s important to be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your dearest friend. Be kind to yourself. Be supportive.