People the greatest source of history

I make it a serious point to avoid talking about my students although I could have a field day sharing some of the zinger stories packed away in a not-so-little “Do not disturb” file in a dusty corner of my brain. Anyway, I’m breaking my own rule to talk about an experience I had this week.

I have a few “older” students in an introductory class. By “older” I mean people who could be my parents, or older. I love them. Besides having excellent writing skills, they bring so much to the class discussions. These are folks who have sacrificed much in their lives, and are now returning to school in the ultimate delayed gratification scenario. Once, I had such a student share that she didn’t care if she never went to work in her field because she just wanted the satisfaction of having the degree.

Anyway, one of my current students, an African American lady, shared that the last time she was in school her high school was segregated, and she found this new experience of sitting in a college classroom different and exciting. Wow! She lamented her impression of the youth around her wasting the opportunity to get an education, so she decided to pave the way. I hope she is successful, not in the classroom — it’s obvious to me that she will, but in the environment where she is trying to foster a desire for an education. She’s certainly a fantastic example to the students in her class.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that. I figure, there’s too much bad news on TV — I better report on something cool. That, and I have to figure out how to get her to share her story openly in the class.

That is all. Have a nice day. 🙂

Who’s the hottest guy in the Coast Guard?

Yeah, I thought so. We know who are hero is, the one in the dorky helmet! Check this out, and then read the press release.

Thanks to all the brave men and women who serve our country. It’s not a flawless country. It’s not even even a country that is free from the ills that plague other countries on earth, but it’s ours, and it’s worth protecting. In this case, these fine coast guards protected more than the coast–they stopped the delivery of an obscene amount of cocaine destined to ruin more people and communities.

Good work guys!

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