Ice Storm 2014

Here are some pictures from around the house earlier today. They’re saying snow is coming next. This little accumulation, about a quarter to half inch of ice, is from freezing rain. The roads in the neighborhood are impassable, so we’re pretty stuck here til the thaw.

hunkering down for snowpocalypse 2.0 ATL edition

Look. This is a serious weather threat for our area, in spite of all the mockery given the disaster that was Atlanta a couple of weeks ago.  An ice storm is not good news, ever. I can predict, without a meteorology degree, that we’re going to lose power, and that it will be an unfortunate thing for many people.

In our case, we’ve got a fireplace, a gas stove, plenty of food. And we’re inside, so no matter how cold it gets, we’ll have blankets and whatever we need to be fine. I know this may not be the case for many families. I am fearful for the homeless.

But look at this tweet, please. How can we possibly take storms seriously with this kind of crazy hyperbole? Makes me want to NEVER take this guy seriously ever again.

Screen Shot 2014-02-11 at 5.39.59 PM

I’m consoling myself with some bourbon. Over ice. It’s going to be a long week.


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