Photo of the week: Growth


This week’s photo challenge is a little food for thought: growth. These lemons grew in our yard. We planted a Meyer lemon tree last year, and delighted in the blooms and little green baby lemons in spring and summer. Today, I picked the last of the lemons on the little tree. They are delightful – sweet and tart-but-not-too-tart. They are perfect to squeeze on homemade beignets (try it!) and grilled fish. Yum!

Meyer lemons are filled with goodness! Isn’t that something to strive for? Goodness? It’s the perfect time of year to ponder how we are working on our growth in all aspects of our person, especially our quest for the good. I haven’t really set out any resolutions this year, but I am on a continuing path to grow in faith.

early morning serenity


I love watching the fisherman do their work in the serene silence of a foggy morning. They dropped their nets and drifted for a little while, long enough for a pod of pelicans to draw near. There’s a huge brown pelican nesting area near us, so when I spy the occasional small squadron of white pelicans I bring out the camera in hopes of getting a picture or two. Unfortunately, today was very foggy, and although the water was calm, and conditions were lovely (minus the fog), the lighting was not great. Still, I got a few good shots — all unfiltered and short of a little cropping, untouched. I hope the white pelicans hang around for a while!

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Scale: Big and Small

Lying on the pier and looking at the sky from this perspective gave it a new scale. I feel huge in contrast with the sky, which looks tiny from this angle.

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