How I love to ruffle feathers!

So I posted the body of an email forward below. Understand that I have no regard for email forwards and spend endless hours debunking the ridiculous claims found in them. This one was an entertaining pipe dream, similar to when the lottery gets up $285 million and I sit around figuring out how I am going to distribute the millions to my family and friends (hmmmm, are YOU on my list?).

Anyway, I love comment love (what blogger doesn’t) but it seems that a few people either a) took this seriously, or worse, b) think that I took it seriously. Take a moment to check out that I posted it under the category “fun” as in, I think this would be fun, but I know it’s not real.

Now please, get a sense of humor.

yet another meme…

Got this one from Zina. Or at least, I finally got an explanation from Zina for what was going on at Plurk last night when I momentarily logged on and found a bunch of, well, unusual pictures.

Here are the rules:

1. Take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair – just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with the picture.

And here’s the picture:

that first cup in the morning...the rules don't say I can't come back later and delete this post!
that first cup in the morning...

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