I have this quotation scrawled across the top of my gradebook as a reminder:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their own hard battle.”
It’s one of my favorite quotes, sometimes attributed to Plato, sometimes to Seneca, possibly correctly attributed to Ian Maclaren. Let me just say, who cares? I know, my English teacher sensibilities just imploded — it happens.
I like it because it’s a simple message. Be kind.
Be kind because you don’t know how the person you’re interacting with needs a kind word. A smile. A gentle touch.
Because most of us face our battles quietly; it doesn’t matter if we do so out of bravery, or stoic strength, or possibly even shame. The bottom line is that we all face battles.
I’d venture to say that those combative souls we encounter need the most kindness. Just a thought.
Love on purpose. Encourage intentionally.
Be kind.