
AI’ve hit upon a new plan for writing, a jumpstart for my creativity that I stumbled across last year, much too late to participate. And then, here we are, next year. It’s called the A to Z Challenge, a brilliant idea from Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out. Thanks, Arlee, for being a bright note of inspiration!

So this first word, aspire, was both an easy choice, and a difficult one. Easy for me to go with the first definition, to aspire to something, to seek, to attain, perhaps to accomplish.

I want that. I want to accomplish great things. I have a few books roiling around in my head that I need to get down on paper. I’d like to travel, not with an overnight bag to an endless string of cities as I’ve been doing lately, but to one place where I can stay long enough to discover where the locals drink coffee. And I want a miracle or two, though that’s probably more of a hope than an aspiration.

Which leads to the next interpretation, which properly comes from the word origins rather than a definition. To aspire is to breathe. Oh, how I need to breathe. I find myself holding my breath all the time. Like I’m suspending time by not breathing, but that’s not fooling anybody, least of all time. I need to breathe in — and out — and back in again. I need to pay closer attention around me. I need to be present in the present.

I suppose it all begins with a great big cleansing breath. Join me, won’t you, for the next several weeks, as I weave and wend my way through the alphabet, aspiring to be a little creative and, perhaps, a little more alive as I discover what’s on my mind, one letter at a time.


I’ll be illustrating these posts with details from a lithograph I owned many years ago, The Alphabet Suite, by Erté.

finished…until the next thing

So I wrote the speech. Yeah. Done.

I’d say I’m done in by it, but really, not the case. Wrote it. Shared it with a few trusted peeps who’d tell me I’m full of it if I am.

Hmmm. Actually, they didn’t tell me I’m full of it. I would have told me I’m full of it.

So now I’m walking around the house cleaning and delivering the speech. I gotta practice, you know. It’s all about the delivery. So far the dog is unimpressed.


This has been a good lesson for me. It put me outside my comfort zone. That’s important because I teach composition to people who are outside their comfort zones. It was refreshing for me to feel a little bit of empathy. I’m going to say this has changed the way I’m teaching….It’s true. I used this in my classes this week. It made a little bit of a difference in my students. It didn’t change what they had to do, of course, but it changed my delivery.

Always learning, I am.


How’d you like that little reference?

Anyway, that’s mostly what I do. Help people find their voices. Help people tell their stories and share their ideas. If you do that, too, you might enjoy this TED Talk. I should have watched it before I wrote my speech for next Wednesday’s event. Lucky for me, I have to write another one for Tuesday, and that one might just be a little more important for me.

on writer’s block and performance art

blockI have to write a speech. It has me in knots, not because I’m afraid of speeches, but because every time I sit in front of the computer or journal or notebook or pile of scrap paper, or, for heaven’s sake, a napkin, I get a brain cloud.

It’s pretty annoying, as folks are starting to ask what I’m going to say. I don’t think it’ll fly if I respond with, “Oh, I’ll let the Spirit move me when I get up to the podium.”

Ha. I could do it, too. Get up there and just talk, I mean. That doesn’t scare me nearly as much as having to prepare a speech. I don’t even get a teleprompter. It seems to work for some people. But then again, I’m not running for public office.

What I most want to do is avoid the helpful people…people I’d no more allow to put words in my mouth than cut my bangs. They are everywhere. And they scare me. Ha!

Not really. I’m mostly amused, by them, my predicament, the fact that ordinarily I never shut up and now I need to dig for words.

I think it’s a good thing. I feel like I’ve forgotten how to write. I’ve been dwelling in the underbelly of the writer’s world these past many months — writing very dry, very boring, very technical reports. Stephen King would have a thing or three to say about my overuse of adverbs. I’ve replaced poetry with formula –replaced the beauty of a well-turned phrase with passive voice so as not to offend.

I need to find my writer’s heart, and I better find it quick. The clock is ticking.

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