cleaning up after a messy week

Check out the collection of other 7 Quick Takes Friday posts, hosted at Jennifer Fulwiler’s blog, Conversion Diary


This has been a wacky week of ups and downs. Actually, it’s just been ups. Really. One up after the other. And not the kind that makes me sit around and wonder when the other shoe is going to drop. Most of it has a lot to do with me getting a much needed attitude adjustment.



It required a little more adjusting, as a matter of fact.


Still working on the CNMC 2012 program. It consumes my Fridays, but I like it. Nothing like good work that one enjoys.


Had a hilarious twitter conversation with my BFF from high school that included, of all things, Earth, Wind, and Fire. This particular song brings back many memories of parties and crushes…and other teenage melodrama. We’ve come a long way! Martha’s writing children’s books now!



So yeah, did I say she wrote a children’s book? This book trailer cracked me up! Go Martha! Not the stuff of crazy notes in Mr. Wycoff’s class.



The annual Christmas cleansing is upon me. I am in a perpetual snit about de-cluttering. Obviously, I am getting it wrong if I am still still STILL doing this. But…moving on. Am gathering things for Goodwill and the dump. I wonder how much I’ll be able to sneak past the primary generators of the clutter. Because, of course, we all know I couldn’t possibly be responsible for any of it, right?


And speaking of de-cluttering, off to a little quiet time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. A little internal de-cluttering is in order, too.

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