Day 08

Day 08 – A picture that makes you laugh.

Okay, so really, this one has had me laughing to myself. Is it a picture of something, that makes me laugh? Or is it a picture, of something that makes me laugh?

I vote the second one.

I do a lot of grading on-line, and it’s too easy to keep a couple of tabs open to some social media sites for entertainment and breaks between essays, especially since little alert numbers pop up.

That’s where the laughter comes up. I have a Facebook friend who has a really great name for liking status updates. It’s a really great name, but I won’t take a screen shot of it because I thought about it too late to ask permission to display this person’s full name liking a status. Maybe I’ll be able to share it another time, or you could be my Facebook friend and maybe see it.

This is my second choice, but it ranks right up there. The picture represents the fun I have with social media, and getting laughs…good from-the-bottom-of-my-gut laughs when I see a clever comment or a fantastic picture.

The list of people who bring me joy is pretty long. That’s quite a blessing, isn’t it? Let’s pretend this picture represents everyone on Facebook and Twitter that makes me guffaw, giggle, laugh, titter, smile…and sometimes cry.

I have no problem sharing this picture because these folks are World Re-Known Super Celebrities and they are also my friends in RL, so I’ll give a little shout-out to the stuff they do so you can go and see their magnificence for yourselves.

Don’t they look great? I love Lisa and Steve’s smiles. And Paul? He looks like he should be in a raccoon coat holding up a college pennant and wearing a beanie.

Paul Camarata’s The SaintCast

Lisa Hendey’s Catholic Moments and

Steve Nelson’s everything esteban

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