Day 12

Day 12 – A picture of something you love.

I know I went on and on about not being attached to things in Day 07, and I haven’t changed my mind. But I do love this rosary. In fact, I wrote about it at Sarah Reinhard’s blog in a guest post last year.

It currently keeps me company in my car, wrapped around the rearview mirror. I usually take it with me when I travel or if I find myself with the opportunity to take a quiet walk. Maybe I pray with it, maybe I don’t, but its weight in my pocket is a comforting reminder of greater things.

Here’s an excerpt from Sarah’s blog that explains how I got the rosary after an evening of knot-making:

Surprised at my admiration of her efforts after being silly the whole evening, Linda pulled out a beautiful crucifix that would have been too large for the standard rosaries we made, affixed it to the rosary, Β and presented me with the lovely gift – not just of a sacramental, but of the embodiment of a friendship that gives freely with no strings attached. It is certainly modeled after a greater Love.

Read the rest here.

4 Replies to “Day 12”

  1. Loved your blog today esp. after spending last Sat. with Linda. It reminds me of my favorite rosary,my Mother’s. Holding and praying this rosary brings memories of her and all the times she felt the beads in her hands as she prayed her favorite prayer, the Hail Mary.

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