Day 14

Day 14 – A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

Well, duh. Again. We’ve been friends for 33 years. Whoa. That’s a long time. I only have one friend that’s been around longer than that.

In 33 years, I bet we’ve seen hundreds of movies. Or if you know about John’s movie watching habits, we’ve seen the same movies hundreds of times, LOL.

I’ve had gallons and gallons of sips from his drinks, cuz, you know, they taste better and I really didn’t want a whole soda anyway.

We’ve driven thousands and thousands of miles on random road trips to nowhere, or somewhere, or anywhere.

We’ve raised three kids.

We’ve gone to work. Gone to church. Gone bananas. Gone fishing.

Owned two houses. Thirteen cars. Fifteen cell phones. Seven hundred and forty-two DVDs. And a worn out Scrabble board.

We’ve paid bills, ignored bills, run from bills, and known some Bills.

We’ve fought. Made up. Fought some more. Made up again. Laughed. Cried. Prayed. Complained. Dreamt. Whined. Celebrated. Mourned. And made love. A lot.

Yep. That about covers it.

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