does anyone else get the impression that the mayor of London is a slob?

I know, I’m probably pissing off my British (or at least those of you from London) readers, but the guy really just was a mess at the closing ceremonies.

C’mon, forget that he didn’t button his jacket, or that his shirt was coming untucked, or even that his hair was mussed. His demeanor on the stage was more like frat boy given the honor of tapping the keg, not representing a city and nation in a symbolic gesture of “passing the baton” (perhaps I shouldn’t use that metaphor — it seems to have been dropped a couple of times already).

5 Replies to “does anyone else get the impression that the mayor of London is a slob?”

  1. Ken “Red Ken” Livingstone (who was actually more instrumental in London winning the 2012 Games) surely was a sharper dresser than his successor

  2. Man, I couldn’t believe this goof was representing London. He looks like the guy at the wedding hording all the cocktail weenies… either he’s not married, or his wife can care less about him. Dania would never let me out of the house looking like that… much less for an Olympic ceremony. I hope he’s gone by 2012. London needs a better representative.

  3. Yes the man is a slob. I mean a real SLOB, SLOB, & somemore. I can not believe that he brushed off the The Beijing representative, and took everything as a joke (he was rude and sloppy). This was to be a solemn momment in the Olympics and it turned out to be a joke to him. He lacks social grace and manners, he needs to brush up on protocol.

    Also he needs to find a better tailor and hire staff that will help him look good in public. Being just one of the guys in a pub doesn’t cut it for a leader of such a great city as London. I thought London’s Mayor would be careful of his public image. If you don’t care how you look and behave then that is how usually you will behave in your actions.

    Also when you are in another country you need to read up on it’s culture and it’s people. Mr. Johnson you are an ignorant person. I hope you do better when the Olympics start in 2012.

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