Grassroots efforts start small, don’t they?

Blogger Sarah Reinhard manages to turn the mundane and boring into a delightful study of the profound in simplicity.

In other words, I like what she writes, and you will, too, so run, don’t walk, to her blog and be Amazed. Surprised. Pleased. Moved. Amused.

And Catechized.

Her latest adventures brought on by 4 year olds holding the nativities hostage has resulted in an idea so profoundly simple that I had to launch it immediately. Free the Nativities! I dare you to put yours out in public. I know I will.

One Reply to “Grassroots efforts start small, don’t they?”

  1. Thanks for the morning laugh. I’m just glad I didn’t have coffee in my mouth when I read this post.

    Amazed at MY blog? FOR REAL?

    Well. I’ll take that and raise you one podsquatting. (Love that term, btw, and have used it to describe myself…because who needs their OWN show if you can just, um, squat on others’ show?)

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