guilty pleasures implies “guilt”

With that in mind, I submit some not-guilty pleasures, in no particular order…

  • the beach.
  • coffee. with sugar. without. with cream. without. de-caff is anathema.
  • spontaneous kisses. are there any other kind?
  • warm, fluffy, down comforters.
  • silly sox.
  • Coke with crushed ice on a hot day.
  • pizza. with banana peppers. and a little vino.
  • fresh baked bread still hot from the oven.
  • silence.
  • soft breezes that leave me wanting more.

2 Replies to “guilty pleasures implies “guilt””

  1. My list would be quite similar to yours, with the addition of cheesecake, Agatha Christie novels, 1950’s sci-fi, and nachos from my local pub (with caramelized onions, portobello mushrooms, red chillies, and bacon).

    I could add more, but I have a sudden craving for nachos . . . 😀

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