HEY! Go do this, ‘mkay?

On Tuesday, March 15th, all over the internet Catholics will be posting about their favorite Catholic blogs, podcasts, media projects, and just about anything that we’re producing that is cool and exciting and we want to share.

Here’s the project concept from the Facebook page:

On March 15, 2011, everyone with a blog, podcast, or Facebook page should list their favorite 3 blogs, 3 podcasts, 3 other media, 3 random Catholic things online, and their own projects.Then, post the link to your list here on March 15th.Lastly, on March 15th, go to iTunes and leave at least 3 positive written reviews for various Catholic podcasts and 3 positive written reviews for Catholic mobile applications.

This is very important. We need to encourage each other. Catholic media is not about competition — and it shouldn’t be. We are each using our unique gifts to share our love of the Lord. To that end, we can share that love a little, you know? Introduce each other to what’s out there.

Spread the word, and don’t forget to come back here on Tuesday to see what I post. And don’t forget to check in at iTunes to post your reviews. And don’t forget to post your own. On your blog. On Facebook. On Twitter. On whatever it is that you use for your own conversation — even if it’s in the comments sections.

Especially if it’s in the comments sections.

Join the conversation on Facebook by following this link to Catholic Media Promotion Day and “liking” the page.

Listen to this latest episode of Catholic Weekend with special guest Greg Willits sharing his vision on this initiative, and then see what Sean McGaughey from Catholic Roundup has created to showcase an excellent collection of resources for this — go check it out here.



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