how to get out of making dinner…

the sacrificial spinach leaf
the sacrificial spinach leaf

Not a recommened technique, nevertheless, effective. While making homemade creamed spinach, I couldn’t get the bag open, so I thought it would be an entertaining way to open the bag by dramatically (i.e., in an over-the-top theatrical way) hack at the bag with a gigantic ham knife.

I missed.

I hacked at my thumb instead.

[pause for appropriate heckling and mockery]

I finally got my thumb to stop bleeding by applying a frozen spinach leaf to it. Note to self: when facing life-threatening bleeding, a frozen chunk of produce could work in the absence of a tourniquet.

Maybe not, but the pictures are worthy of mockery.

the wound, with the long-suffering husband in the background, finishing dinner
the wound, with the long-suffering husband in the background, finishing dinner

*For the record, and in an attempt to garner sympathy, the wound is very deep and very painful, and bled for a really really long time and no one in my vicinity offered any kind or soothing words. The meanies called my parents so I could get long distance mockery.

3 Replies to “how to get out of making dinner…”

  1. Oh no, I feel sooooorry for you (but enjoyed the mockery). Hope you are feeling better and please next time try not use a knife.

    Scissors are much better for that kind of task !!


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