I totally forgot about it — it’s available as a free download!

just click on the cover 🙂

3 Replies to “I totally forgot about it — it’s available as a free download!”

  1. Nice little piece. Your grand idea for a story, once it makes it onto a page, is never quite as cool as the idea in your head, is it?

    I’m a great one for thinking about writing but not so hot at actually doing it. Do you have that same phobia and how do you get over it.

  2. Maria, I read this early today, pondered it in what is left in this burned out gray matter, and have returned to ask a question.

    Before I ask the question, let me say that it really stuck deep with me through the day. Almost, like for a moment, I was looking in the window, seeing everything you were seeing. (hope i do not have bad dreams about the Padley’s or sumptin)

    Anywho, the obvious question would be, WHY? Strange, or maybe not, WHAT… is the question on my gray matter???

    I would like to know what you were thinking, feeling, the inspiration, that MOMENT…when all of a sudden, your fingers were burning up the keys! The WHAT as well, when after being so fully, well, fulfilled… with the work as you turned the screen so you could see the marvelous effort displayed more clearly and the fruit of your labor at it’s best..EVER…what was that sensation, realization, which in one final touch of a key, became but a memory?

    The content, seems to matter little…it is the experience of those moments, I would like to know about.Sometime. I mean if you would like to share. In your spare time! LOL

    I….will pay for the coffee! 🙂

    Praying for you, Miss Maria,

    In Christ,

    Bro Jer

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