It is indeed over. They served us corn flakes for breakfast. With bananas, of course. Oh, and an assortment of fruit-filled breads. Still, a clear sign that they had moved on without us. Snack-time was no better. Along with the coffee, they put out an assortment of Quaker granola bars. I took two. I know – – I’m a rebel. That, and there’s no lunch today.
I won’t be home until late. There’s an afternoon session that I don’t think I’ll attend. It’s an additional really technical thing for which I have no mode of reference, and one of the Veeps has already bailed, and the other said he wasn’t staying for it, so I’ll have a couple of hours to kill at the hotel. I’ll be able to do some critical reading and writing. I have plenty to do and appreciate the captive audience part of my situation, me being the captive.
At any rate, the concierge is my new BFF. He very kindly confirmed my flight, printed my boarding pass, and ordered a shuttle to the airport.
And by the way, people who use big words ALL THE TIME bug me. So do people who make a freakin’ running commentary on stuff that is really important and really serious, like, oh, SACS maybe. SHUT UP! Okay, I feel better now.
P.S. stupid questions bug me, too. Maybe I’m just bugged. LOL!
Overall, I’d give an A to the conference, in spite of information overload, and an A+ to the hotel. No, I didn’t “accindentally” pack the fluffy bathrobe.
The flight home, on the heels of some scary weather, was okay. There was an obnoxious child that annoyed me in the boarding area, and fortunately for me, kicked the back of someone else’s seat on the flight. The flight itself was less than great, but brief. We took off in stormy weather (not Lena Horne’s version), and had a bumpy ride. Let’s just say that the flight provided the up and down, side to side jarring that I managed to avoid by going to EPCOT with Deborah. The descent was like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.
Still, the pilot landed us safely, so he’s a contender for BFF along with the concierge.
There’s much to be said for Home Sweet Home.