it was a good day

From The Daily Post: today’s challenge is another Odd Trio prompt — write a post about any topic you want, in whatever form or genre, but make sure it features a slice of cake, a pair of flip-flops, and someone old and wise.

I had every intention of following through with this fun challenge right up until I realized that I had a bunch of errands to run with my knight-in-shining-armor. As life happens, we took off on our adventures.

Somewhere along the way, we stopped for a beer at the local watering hole and watched antique car auctions because we lead an exciting life. And then, we went for ice cream to reward ourselves for existing, because nothing follows a beer like dairy, right?

Finally, we each dedicated ourselves to a different part of the kitchen. Me, to canning some strawberry preserves. He, to making some delicious bread on which to spread the strawberry preserves. Life is good, isn’t it?

Then I ate a piece of Tiramisu. Yummy! I was so sugar high that I tripped over my own flip flops on the way to the sink, and I realized, Holy cow! I can do the challenge after all. If only I knew someone old and wise.


So instead, I turn to the wisdom I need:

Your word is a lamp for my feet,

a light for my path.

Psalm 119

Read the whole thing. It’s longish, but really, it’s chock full of wisdom.

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