it’s been a long day


So I was diagnosed in the sacristy at church with shingles.  A nurse friend of mine pulled me in a corner and lifted the corner of my blouse and said, “Yep, that looks like shingles to me.”

Besides the whole creepy aspect of the scenario, it was the bad news I was expecting. A trip to Dr. Mike’s this morning confirmed it, and I am on a delightful cocktail of steroids, anti-virals, and the drug of choice in the Johnson household: Vicadin.

And it still hurts like a bitch. I’m so sorry for the people who don’t figure it out for a while. I am hopeful that this will be done sooner than later.

Feel free to send chocolate. I hear it has medicinal values.

4 Replies to “it’s been a long day”

  1. Ick. Hope it clears up soon :-/

    Also, the sacristy incident is not at all weird in my world. My parents diagnose wherever life (and patients) find them- from the grocery store to church to our house to over the phone in the middle of the night. I’m pretty sure this is not the first time the sacristy has substituted for an exam room.

  2. OUCH, Bego! I’m sorry to hear you have shingles. I had them myself back in 2002. Never felt an acute pain like that before or since. I pray for them to go quickly, and that you don’t scar too much. I still have some scars from my bout. Hope you feel better!

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