it’s been ages since I make a rosary


I found this loop of twine and dug around and found a crucifix, so I made a rosary today. I’m way out of practice because I had to untie the knot for the crucifix three times before I finally got it right.

Ok, I didn’t so much get it right as get it to a place that didn’t make me want to untie the whole thing again.

I used to make rosaries all the time, and then an extraordinary thing happened and I started praying rosaries all the time. I still make the random rosary, but a touch of arthritis is making pulling the twine a little difficult. The prayer, however, is as comfortable in my hands as ever.

I wonder, do you have a favorite prayer or devotion?

2 Replies to “it’s been ages since I make a rosary”

  1. I have been lax at making rosaries lately (I make them for the parish, they give them with a prayer shawl to those who are hospitalized) but all of a sudden there has been a demand for them. Some want some to give as Christmas presents, others want them for people who have none but are participating at public novenas, plus the usual request from the prayer shawls. I keep saying each Lent and Advent that I should make more then, I guess now is the time.
    Brian (aka friarpark on the old RA Forum)

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