it’s here! Catholic Media Promotion Day!

That means we get to go out en masse and promote each other (hey, did you like that bit o’ French I used? huh? playing with mass? too early? okay…).

So here’s what you gotta do. Sooo simple. I’m listing some of my favorites down below. You go pay them a visit. See? Easy peasy.

You’re gonna like them because I like them and you like me. See? That’s even easier! and then you follow along their favorites. Something crazy might happen — you might find something that really resonates with you. You might discover some awesomeness that will change your life. You might just generally be amused or moved or entertained.

Then, please leave some encouragement. A nice note to say you visited. A promise to return. We’re such fragile folks, bloggers, podcasters and such. A little love will go a long way.

Favorite Blogs

The incomparable Sarah Reinhard at Snoring Scholar who can’t decide if she should just be pondering her Catholic days

The amazing Lisa Hendey and her fantastic contributors at

The absolutely incredible and eclectic Catholic Portal at

Favorite Podcasts

Among Women by Pat Gohn I hear some manly men listen,too

the Catholic Foodie by Jeff Young where food meets faith

The Catholic Laboratory by Ian Maxfield science and the Church

3 Random Catholic Things On Line

By random I’m going to guess that it defies a classification, cuz I can be totally random

Star Quest Production Network (SQPN!) has a new look and new outlook

Fr. Barron’s Word on Fire simply amazing

New Advent carries top Catholic stories … good place to start for some quick links in the news

Sadly, I am iPhone impaired, so I have to pass on the apps portion of this activity. More reason for you to follow the links and find out what others are doing.

Have an awesome day of discovery! God bless you! And remember, leave some love wherever you go!

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