it’s poetry time in class

I thought I’d switch it up a little this time. I usually play this Al Green and Queen Latifah duet, Simply Beautiful, but this time I’m going with something a little different, not in English, to see if my students respond to the sound and the imagery.

It still has that part where I present Emily Dickinson’s definition of poetry:

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only way I know it.  Is there any other way?

I’ll share the lyrics with them after, but first, I’ll see how they react. I’m guessing, this group probably doesn’t listen to  Coldplay 🙂

To complicate things, the video isn’t the official Coldplay one, it’s a magnificent cover by the Piano Guys. It. Is. Gorgeous.


I’m going to ask the class to think about their paradise…what’s yours?

I could rattle off a list of things I’d like…you know….things…and I’m ashamed that’s where my mind went first. But as I thought it through…paradise is what I want. Heaven. What a grand party we’ll all have, won’t we?

[Here’s some trivia about me: I thought of treating myself to piano lessons when I turn 50, but if you know me and my love of strings, maybe I should take up the cello. That should torment the dog. Seriously, aren’t the Piano Guys incredible? I could rock an electric cello, right?]

6 Replies to “it’s poetry time in class”

  1. OH! Mrs Johnson, I just wrote a poem about my aunt the last of my family died last week no on left, but sure they are together. you inspire me i might start my little journal love you, tar leonie.

  2. Maria – what a wonderful way of looking at Heaven; as a party, a great, wonderful, noisy reunion with all those who have gone before us. Yes, Heaven is truly the goal. The greater part of marriage and parenthood is to get spouse and children to Heaven, so we can be with God.

  3. HI mrs. johnson, the video was awesome. the music was beautiful and I feel blessed that you shared it with me ! thx kim westbrooks

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