Manic Monday

I heard something at work that made me think. I didn’t want to think. It was a long day filled with a series of petty annoyances and general discontent, not so much with my job as with people.

I get like that sometimes…done with people. I like to be social, and I like parties, and I like to talk (too much), and anybody would assume I’m outgoing and all that stuff. But I think I’m one of those people that needs to be alone to recharge or process new experiences.

I can get lost in the noise of living, which is funny, because I’m alternately drawn to the noise, and repelled by it when it gets too loud.

I think I better listen for the patterns in the noise and call it music. At least it’ll sound better 🙂

Any musical suggestions for a Monday morning?

4 Replies to “Manic Monday”

  1. Hmm… So are you looking for quiet music to match your mood? If so, I suggest Life Less Ordinary by Carbon Leaf. Or, are you looking for music that is totally different than what you feel right now? If so, I suggest Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO.

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