My 5 Favorite Books

It’s been a while since I update here, and I promise to fill you in on my adventures, from going to a Bible conference, to wanting to throw up on top of Stone Mountain, to a little rescue mission involving some Alabama state troopers and a 9mm pistol wreaking some damage on one of our cars. Yeah. It’s been an adventure off-line.

So when I saw my friend Ariadna do a simple, but thought-provoking post about her favorite books, I thought…hey, I can do that. In fact, I’ve done it before, but I don’t feel like looking for the list. This one is shorter, anyway.

Here we go, my faves today:

1. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry — Such a beautiful little book about friendship and other deep things. Is there anything more wonderful than the unconditional love of a true friend? I’m blessed to have that.

2. Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel (actually, the whole Earth’s Children series) — These books captured my imagination. When I was a kid I was fascinated by ancient history. I couldn’t get enough of history and anthropology books, and then I just kind of stopped. I discovered this series when I first moved to Germany and John would be sent into the field for weeks at a time. Books kept me company, and Ayla’s adventures became my own.

3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling (again, the whole series) — Do I really have to explain myself here? No. I don’t think so 🙂

4. Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh — I  was Harriet. I even carried around a composition notebook with all my observations. I managed not to let it fall into enemy hands. Eventually, I became editor of the yearbook in 8th grade, and later, I wrote for an underground magazine in high school.

5. The Holy Bible — This is a little out of my league at the moment, but I’ve just embarked on a little exercise to push me a little harder in this area, so, yeah, I’m gonna be doing a little bit of studying in the next months.

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