ninja noodles and the perfectly perfect day

Have you ever had a perfect day? I mean, a day that was absolutely Mary Poppins perfectly perfect all the way through? They are pretty rare. And I had one today.

I worked like a beast, too. I figure I probably put in a 14-hour work day. No kidding. It was perfect anyway.

For starters I slept in til 7 o’clock and then put on some comfy work out clothes and stayed that way til 4 in the afternoon. I did a little Harry Potter prep, got to play with my friends on the Secrets of Harry Potter and convinced Father Roderick that he should play Farmville, and I noted that he is already a level seven. This from the man who claimed he would not be addicted. We’ll see how that goes. Ha.

And then, after recording Harry Potter I worked. Like a beast (I think I said that already). Anyway, I have a lot of paperwork to catch up with, both at the college and for SQPN, so to say today was a productive day is an understatement. Still, it’s good to work, especially when it’s all stuff that is enjoyable.

After lunch I had a little business meeting that got me focused on a couple of things, but more than anything, tickled me and gave me the blog title. Wanna know what a ninja noodle is? It’s the patch of cold noodles that you encounter after microwaving pasta. You know, that random patch that somehow avoids detection by those dangerous DNA altering microwaves. That makes me laugh.

It makes me laugh because it’s so simple. I think that’s why I have so thoroughly enjoyed today. There is an element of simplicity in the activities and the relationships with everyone I encountered that put me at ease and gave me joy.

Funny to find that in a noodle, huh?

The soundtrack of my day, courtesy of my little philips mp3 player included about 2 hours of Marvin Gaye on repeat. Scandalous, I know. Even more scandalous is the song: Let’s Get It On. I had it on repeat and listened to it about twenty times before I realized that it had played on repeat. I listen to music for the white noise when I’m writing, and now, Marvin Gaye is forever imprinted in my psyche. Let me tell you that it’s not even a bad thing, really. I mean, once you get past the overt sexual message of the song it’s kinda nice.

We’re all sensitive people
With so much to give
Understand me, sugar
Since we got to be
Let’s live

Don’t you know
How sweet and wonderful life can be?

You see? That’s not awful. It’s actually pretty nice. I just won’t include the other stuff.

So you see, it was a perfect day. The shit will hit the fan tomorrow, but today…today was grand.

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