

Writers know a little bit about this. When we’re blocked, nothing comes and the page fills and fills with…nothing.

I’m not a fan of it.

But sometimes, nothing is what the situation calls for. As in, I have nothing relevant or healthy or positive to contribute to a conversation.

I feel like that a little today.

Other times, nothing is essential. It’s an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, to clear one’s mind, to survey a blank canvas full of possibility.

I like that kind of nothingness. With a little creativity and conviction, it fills up with somethingness. And isn’t somethingness what we aspire to as artists? To look at nothing and see something? To take emptiness and fill it?

I’d like to do that today.

I’d like to take this empty space and fill it with positive words.




5 Replies to “Nothing”

  1. That was a great post, and oh so true!! Sometimes I think I have the perfect idea and words begin to come to me, I will sit down and then I have second thoughts. Was it meant to be? I need to keep trying, or I will never reach what I know is inside of me!! Thank you!! I am not alone!

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