now that the cat is out of the bag

I guess now that the family knows, it’s safe to announce to the rest of the world that my child has lost her mind and enlisted in the United States Army, where her illustrious Commander-in-Chief is President Obama. I love irony in my life. She will quickly gain a new perspective on irony, too.

Anyway, it’s too easy to make fun of a path that she has clearly been on for a while. Good luck to her on that endeavor–she’ll be great.  At the very least, she’ll look fetching in camo.

I’ll probably post something all full of pride and stuff after she survives boot camp and finishes all the cool things she will be studying in this next phase, and one hopes there will be a commission sooner rather than later, but that’s not what this post is about.

This post is about making fun of her because, well, she deserves it. Enjoy the film clip, it’s very appropriate. You might want to check her blog for a different perspective on this adventure, too.

3 Replies to “now that the cat is out of the bag”

  1. Vicky you have 6 years of active duty, I expect to have one of the “full bird” golden eagles before your time is up. They will look great in my private room collections.

    Good Luck,


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