oh sure, i write on OTHER people’s blogs…

Don Quixote -- chasing windmills isn't a waste of time

My friend, Dulcinea, seems to think it’s a risk she’s willing to take when she lets me guest-post at Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering. It seems to all the world that she has sought me out for this delightful honor, blablabla. The truth is, I bribed her with promises of Oreos. They never get to her, because, um, I eat them, but she doesn’t know that.

Please follow the link to see what I have to say about summer and adult sippy drinks, and since you’re there why don’t you leave a comment. It won’t make up for eating her Oreos, but comment love is kinda like virtual Oreos.

Ok, not really, but you can be nice and then maybe she’ll invite me back.

2 Replies to “oh sure, i write on OTHER people’s blogs…”

  1. Well, I’m GLAD you play in my sandbox. You’re welcome anytime.

    And I think I *did* seek you out for it this time. In fact, I know I did. All that Oreolust can’t be fogging my brain THAT much…

    But now you have me thinking of Chips Ahoy too, and between the two products, I’m sure to gain all the pregnancy weight and keep my doctor happy. I’ll tell her to thank you. 🙂

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