please respond! I want to know!

So I discovered that my sister puts toppings on crackers on the unsalted side. Weird! I always put it on the “top” of the cracker. She’s amazed that I think crackers have tops. Well, I’m amazed that sheΒ  would put stuff on what is clearly the bottom of the cracker.

Enquiring minds need to know!

16 Replies to “please respond! I want to know!”

  1. I’m quite convinced that the salty side of the cracker is the top of the cracker. But thanks for pointing out one more thing to add to my OCD tendencies, because I’m going to think of this every time I have crackers now. -steve

  2. I’m in the “Crackers have sides?” camp. But, just for the sake of argument, shouldn’t the salty side be considered the underside? I mean, the salt should be touching your taste buds, right?

  3. Some crackers don’t have sides but are still worthy of toppings like triscuts and goldfish, yes I dip goldfish, wispred cheese is a good topping can’t have too much cheeze πŸ™‚

  4. My husband makes cornbread in a black iron skillet. When ready to eat, he dumps it out on a plate and the flat, unappetizing side is facing up. At that point it is upside down to me, but it is the top of the cornbread to him. I think the top is the way it was cooking in the oven and it should be served with the golden brown cake like side up on the plate. If I cut and butter a piece for him and put it on his dinner plate with the cake side up, you would not believe how insulting he thinks this is. I violate something dear from his childhood and the way his Mom always served it. His feelings are hurt and he actually gets short with me and tells me not to do that again! (And he is serious!) I would love to know what others think the top of the cornbread is or if we are both crazy because there is no top! (I guess with this being one, if not the biggest, disagreement of our 32 years of marriage I should be thankful, let it go, and not only serve his piece to him wrong side up, I should eat mine the same way…But I can’t stop myself!)

  5. Really? REALLY? The only sane response here is from Nancy, but we are in the minority. I’m going to scratch this from my memory banks. πŸ˜‰

  6. Oh, and of course, Steve. I definitely subscribe to the theory that wherever there is an orininal topping (like salt, Christi!) then the top has already been defined. I win!

  7. I had never thought about this until your post, but my wife & I both put toppings on the “top” or salted side. I have no idea why I always thought that was the top, I’ll have to ask my mother if she does the same…

  8. REALLY? Maybe we should just eat the unsalted kind. Then we would help prevent hypertension and a seamingly endless list of chronic health problems that increase or risk of strokes, dementia and dependency. It would save billions of dollars in healthcare costs.

  9. I don’t top the cracker genererally but reminds me of the top sheet issue…design up and folded top unprinted up or design down and folded top printed showing? Similar discussion which matters very little except occassionally when you’re working with someone on the task who does it differently than you do, I’m just sayn’.

  10. Wow-lots of comments on the subject. Glad I was able to contribute to some important subject matter. πŸ˜‰
    (top=salted side, baby!)

  11. The top is obviously the salted side, Chris.

    On another note, I can’t accept a sandwich that isn’t built correctly. The two pieces of bread MUST be aligned properly, just as they were in the bag. If toasted, the two OUTSIDE sides are face down in the toaster oven, or facing outwards in an upright toaster. Likewise, the top of the loaf faces away from the toaster oven door, or face up in an upright toaster. Care must be taken to insure that the two sides that were next to each other continue facing each other after the ham, cheese, peaut butter, whatever, are added.

    And, of course, one always eats the correctly built sandwich from the top of the loaf side first….

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