provocative? too…too?

Gonna try this as a writing prompt. Would love to know your thoughts.

5 Replies to “provocative? too…too?”

  1. oh wow – that was definitely something i never expected to watch. lots of things going on here – another culture, feelings of unworthiness, the value of others, the power of words, God’s intervention, the power of hope etc etc
    would be interesting to see how you use this writing prompt. and yes, i am sitting solidly on the fence on this one 😀

  2. I loved the idea of the quest and the need for finding purpose to get out of the depression … and that the quest doesn’t have to be huge (a good job where we have to fight for our place in the world … which in itself is depressing ) but can be something as simple as finding the pieces of the bicycle (puzzle) and connecting with other people in the process …

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