Remember that scene in Office Space?

The one where the guys beat up on the printer? Yeah. That was me today. My Vista atrocity decided to reboot in the middle of recording the Secrets of Harry Potter with Father Roderick and the guys. Brilliant. Let me just say I can’t wait to hear how they handled it because I went dead in the middle of my segment. Poor guys. Or not. It might be some good comic relief.

At least I can depend on this:

One Reply to “Remember that scene in Office Space?”

  1. Hehe, I just came over from listening to Secret’s of Harry Potter. They talked about the movie being delayed while you were gone. Bob and Jim are not really great conversationalists though so Fr Roderick had to kind of ramble on until you came back.

    I left a comment on the SQPN blog but it didn’t seem to want to go through. I’ve been listening from Brisbane, Australia since chapter 1 and love the show, especially the little clips from the movie, the trivia and the symbols you discuss. Good fun.

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