Journals and workbooks have long fascinated me. Empty journals beckon me to fill them with all the crazy in my head as a way to sort out my thoughts, and workbooks help rein-in those thoughts and give them a direction. That’s why I love books that have questions at the end of the chapters or study guides to accompany my reading. Cue the nerdy student in me.
This lovely series, Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women, provides prayer, insightful teachings, and scripture, followed by guided reflections in a journaling section.
Becoming Holy, One Virtue at a Time: A Guide to Living the Theological and Cardinal Virtues by Sara Estabrooks has been my companion in my weekly Adoration hour. Each chapter is filled with readings and workspace that inspire thoughtful reflection. Sara beautifully covers the theological and cardinal virtues and encourages the reader to pursue holiness by perfecting those virtues in our lives.
My favorite sections are the connections to scripture. I read with my Bible next to me, reading the suggested passages and then connecting them to chapter’s virtue. I’ve loved incorporating this approach into my spiritual reading!